Introduction: The guest editors of this special issue of the Journal of Curriculum Studies Research seek manuscripts that explore ways to prepare preservice teachers to promote the success of a diverse body of students. We are seeking manuscripts that describe how teacher education programs have prepared aspiring educators to effectively teach and advocate for diverse populations. Diversity in student populations may include - but is not limited to - race, language use, dis/ability, sexuality, religion and socioeconomic status. Manuscripts can be empirical, conceptual or practical in nature and should ideally apply to both scholars and classroom teachers in K-16 settings. Manuscripts can explore topics ranging from:
- How field experiences with diverse students prepare preservice teachers to promote the success of all students (this is including student-teaching, practica, and experiential learning)
- The ways in which mentoring and advising (including methods for retention both in college and upon entering into the K-12 classroom) impact preservice teachers’ readiness to work with diverse students
- Types of coursework (materials used and/or methods) that aim to prepare preservice teachers to be effective with diverse populations
- How professional collaborations in research or teaching develop aspiring teachers’ ability to be successful educators of diverse students
- Ways of using technology as a means to make content accessible to both preservice teachers and K-12 students.
Additional interpretations on this topic are welcome. The editors (listed below) are pleased to answer any questions on potential topics and how they fit into this special issue and work with authors on proposals.
Proposals: In order to have a manuscript considered for this special issue, potential authors should submit a 500-word proposal to the guest editors.
- March 1st: Solicitation of Proposals
- April 1st: Proposal deadline (Extended to April 15)
- April 15th: Notification of proposal status
- June 15st: Full manuscripts submission to the journal submission system.
- July 1st: Revisions sent back to authors
- August 1st: Revised manuscripts due
- Fall 2020: Publication of special issue
Guest Editor Contact Information
- Stephanie Garrone-Shufran, Assistant professor of education, Merrimack College -
- Rory P. Tannebaum, Assistant professor of education, Merrimack College -