Call for Special Issue Proposals: The Moral Imperative of Effective Science and Social Studies Teaching

The Journal of Curriculum Studies Research invites you to submit articles for their June special issue: The Moral Imperative of Effective Science and Social Studies Teaching.

Guest Editors:
Alexis Jones
Eastern Illinois University, IL, USA.

Meghan Kessler
University of Illinois at Springfield, IL, USA.

In this issue, the editors will focus on the enormous human importance to teaching high-quality, thoughtful, critical science and social studies curricula in K-12 classrooms. Submissions should go beyond the content students learn in these subjects and instead look at these content areas as an opportunity for forming relationships, becoming global citizens, or creating a sense of activism.

 Submissions are encouraged from practitioners as well as education scholars. Topics may include:

  • What educators can learn from recent political or social activism (e.g., climate change protests, Black Lives Matter, etc.)
  • How K-12 educators integrate political or social activism in their social studies and science classrooms for ethical and content purposes.
  • The ethical implications of reduced social studies and science instruction in elementary grades.
  • Examples of thoughtful, critical instruction in science, social studies, or socioscientific studies.
  • Voices from students and what they describe wanting and needing in these content areas.
  • How teaching controversial issues addresses more than content goals.


Proposal submissions to Drs. Alexis Jones and Meghan Kessler at by March 14, 2020. Please submit a 250-word (or less) proposal and include relevant references for your proposed article
Notification of acceptance by March 21, 2020.
Full submissions (4000 to 7000 words without references) due no later than April 17, 2020.