The Journal of Curriculum Studies Research is an international, online, open access and peer-reviewed journal. JCSR publishes research papers, theoretical works, literature reviews, research reports and book reviews on all aspects of curriculum studies.
Manuscripts are invited for a special issue of the journal on the theme Inclusive Curriculum in the Era of Digital & Virtual Learning. The special issue will be co-edited by Eric B. Claravall (California State University, Sacramento) and Kelsey Evans-Amalu (Delta State University).
Inclusive curriculum reflects the commitment toward attaining social justice and equity in teaching and learning. Our vision is to develop curricula that challenge and dismantle structural and systemic issues (e.g., racism, ableism, sexism, classism, linguicism, ageism, heterosexism, religious bias, and xenophobia) that our global society currently faces.
We invite manuscripts on research, either theoretical and empirical, that examine issues of equity in education, inside and outside the classroom. With the increased use of online resources and digital platforms, we are particularly interested in publishing articles that discuss the role of digital and virtual learning for a more equitable and inclusive curriculum. We seek research from different methodological orientations, theoretical frameworks, and diverse disciplines.
We are currently soliciting abstracts for proposed papers for this special issue. Abstracts should be no longer than 500 words and be accompanied by up to six keywords. Inquiries regarding article ideas are welcome.
Deadline for submission of abstract: January 1, 2021
Authors receive invitation to submit full manuscript: January 15, 2020
Deadline for submission of full papers to JCSR online system: March 1, 2021
Revisions given to authors: April 1, 2021
Revisions due back: May 1, 2021
Email abstracts and keywords to the guest editor [] by January 1, 2021. Please put 'Abstract for JCSR Special Edition' in the subject.
Full papers are expected to be between 2500 to 8000 words (around 25 to 35 pages) - inclusive of references, tables, figures, and appendices (please refer to the journal website for full 'author guidelines'). We follow the APA format. Each submission will be taken through a double-blind peer review process with reviewers from relevant disciplines. In the event the full paper is not written to the standards of the reviewers and editors, the full paper will not be accepted for publication. Full submissions will be submitted via the online submission system (