Book Review: Human Rights and Global Diversity: Basic Ethics in Action


Book review
human rights
Global Diversity

How to Cite

Andrews, K. (2019). Book Review: Human Rights and Global Diversity: Basic Ethics in Action. Journal Of Curriculum Studies Research, 1(1), 71-74.


This professional book review provides a critique of R. P. Churchill's (2006) book entitled Human Rights and Global Diversity: Basic Ethics in Action. His book is divided into three chapters: 1. Reasoning about Human Rights, 2. Debating the Universality of Human Rights, and 3. Human Rights and Cross Cultural Negotiations. Churchill presented the concepts and constructs of human rights, the universality of human rights and an argument for human rights.  Churchill’s overarching claim for human rights was that they are the same for all human beings regardless where they reside.  In addition to presenting the arguments for universal human rights he presented the oppositional constructs by the integration of the voices of notable theorists.

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