The Impact of Teachers' Classroom Behavior Management Strategies on Learning Behavior among Chinese Art Students
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learning feedback
classroom management
art classroom
learning behavior

How to Cite

He, D., Arifani, Y., Liu, Y., Siripala, W., Songsiengchai, S., & Suryanti, S. (2024). The Impact of Teachers’ Classroom Behavior Management Strategies on Learning Behavior among Chinese Art Students. Journal Of Curriculum Studies Research, 6(2), 158-176.


Previous studies have examined teachers' classroom behavior management strategies (TCBMS) and students' learning behavior (SLB) from a static perspective, particularly outside the realm of art education. This mixed-methods study aimed to comprehensively explore the detailed correlation between each dimension and the dynamic elements of TCBMS and SLB variables. Eighty-seven teachers and 453 students from Chinese art universities completed an online survey on TCBMS and SLB. Additionally, in-depth interviews with five art teachers were conducted to examine the dynamic aspects of learning behavior. Quantitative data were analyzed using structural equation modeling (SEM) to explain the impact of TCBMS on SLB. The research findings reveal that all aspects of TCBMS positively contribute to SLB. Three components of TCBMS were particularly dominant in improving SLB: feedback, the student-teacher relationship, and the use of traditional writing on the whiteboard. Teachers' feedback emerged as the most effective method for encouraging students' attention in art classroom learning. The study also examined how teachers provided input to their art students and the subsequent impact on their learning.
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