Over the decades, the world has had great people—in economics and education but what the world craves for as it grapples with social challenges are people with strong moral character. This article seeks to provoke discussions on the secreted curriculum and its role on youth’s learning of professionalism because much of youth’s professionalism learning comes not from the prescribed curriculum, but the secreted curriculum. The target population was 1246 undergraduate students in universities in Nairobi city County. The Yamane’s sample calculation formula was employed in determining the sample size and the sample was 486. In analyzing the quantitative data, the researcher utilized the SPSS software program version 25. The results revealed that influences of unplanned lessons arising from how we do what we do and say what we say have both negative and positive impact on youth’s acquisition of professional values. The researcher therefore proposes a thorough exploration of the humanistic climate (the secreted curriculum).
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